Build a complex object out of elemental objects and itself like a tree structure.
A component has many elements and itself which has many elements and itself, etc. A file system is a typical example. Directory is a composite pattern. When you deal with Directory object, if isFile() returns true, work on file, if isDirectory() returns true, work on Directory object.
class Directory { Directory dir; File[] f; ... boolean isDirectory() { return f == null; } boolean isFile() { return f != null; } File getFile(int i) { if (isFile()) return f[i]; return null' } Directory getDirectory() { if (isDirectory()) return dir; return null; } .... }
For example, General Manager may have several employees and some of employees are Managers which have several employees. To illustrate such issue, we design a simple Manager class.
class Employee { String name; double salary; Employee(String n, double s){ name = n; salary = s; } String getName() { return name; } double getSalary() { return salary; } public String toString() { return "Employee " + name; } } class Manager { Manager mgr; Employee[] ely; String dept; Manager(Manager mgr,Employee[] e, String d ) { this(e, d); this.mgr = mgr; } Manager(Employee[] e, String d) { ely = e; dept =d; } String getDept() { return dept; } Manager getManager() { return mgr; } Employee[] getEmployee() { return ely; } public String toString() { return dept + " manager"; } } class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee[] e1 = {new Employee("Aaron", 50), new Employee("Betty", 60)}; Manager m1 = new Manager(e1, "Accounting"); Employee[] e2 = {new Employee("Cathy", 70), new Employee("Dan", 80), new Employee("Eliz", 90)}; Manager m2 = new Manager(m1, e2, "Production"); System.out.println(m2); Employee[] emp = m2.getEmployee(); if (emp != null) for (int k = 0; k < emp.length; k++) System.out.println(" "+emp[k]+" Salary: $"+ emp[k].getSalary()); Manager m = m2.getManager(); System.out.println(" " + m); if (m!= null) { Employee[] emps = m.getEmployee(); if (emps != null) for (int k = 0; k < emps.length; k++) System.out.println(" " + emps[k]+" Salary: $"+ emps[k].getSalary()); } } }
C:\> java Test Production manager Employee Cathy Salary: $70.0 Employee Dan Salary: $80.0 Employee Eliz Salary: $90.0 Accounting manager Employee Aaron Salary: $50.0 Employee Betty Salary: $60.0 |