What is new in jdk1.4?
- Classes and interfaces: from 212(jdk1.0) to 2738
- jdk1.4 specification is defined and developed by the diversity of the Java community, not only by SUN now.
- A new keyword assert is added in.
- Support for the latest hardware and software like IPv6 networking support and 64-bit support for Solaris.
- A regular expression facility (a hidden perl in J2SE 1.4)
- A preferences facility (store user preferences with very little effort)
- New I/O-Related Capabilities
- A new logging API
- Scalable I/O operations for both sockets and files
- Regular expression package for pattern matching
- Encoders and decoders for character set conversions
- Improved file system support like file locking and memory mapping
- New JFC Capabilities
Improvements to:
- AWT(graphics)
- Swing(JFormattedTextField, sequenced selection, JSpinner, etc.)
- Drag and Drop
- Java 2D
- Printing API
- A new Image I/O framework(pluggable architecture for loading and saving images)
- New Deployment Facilities
- Update to Java Plug-in(support for accessing the Common DOM API, processing XML API)
- Standard support for Java Web Start
- Support for directly replacing the browser JVM, enabling support of the <Applet>tag in IE4.0+ and NS6.0
- Extensions Become Standard
- Standard XML features
- Support for processing Document Object Model(DOM)(level 2)
- Support for Simple API for XML(SAX) 2.0
- XSL Transformations(XSLT) 1.0
- CORBA capabilities
- JDBC 3.0 capabilities
- New security features:
- Kerberos V5 support
- Certificate chain building
- 3 new libraries:
- The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) API, offering encryption and decryption capabilities.
- Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API, providing support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS).
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), offering identity-based permissions for access control.
- The above list is not exhausted, just list them for your information.